Hebammenpraxis Dreieck
The midwifery practice "Dreieck" (Triangle) is centrally located in the Aussersihl area of Zurich, a multicultural neighborhood that we appreciate greatly.
We are a group of independent midwives who offer information and medical advice, concerning family planning, pregnancy, prenatal diagnostics and breastfeeding. We attend to and counsel women throughout normal as well as problem pregnancies, according to a doctor's prescription. We assist women with home births and in the follow-up postnatal period, as well as women who return home following a hospital birth. We offer crisis intervention during pregnancy, birth or postnatal period. Various courses complete the services we provide.
We work in association with hospitals, general practitioners, gynaecologists, obstetricians, pediatricians, counseling offices for mothers, breastfeeding specialists, social workers, physiotherapists, as well as social and other institutions.
The Swiss health insurance covers the cost of all our consultations, both In our practice as well as at home. Our main priority is the health of the mother and the newborn child.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Unfortunately, the website is not in English. If you would like to visit it in German, please click here.
Home   Impressum Hebammenpraxis Dreick, Zweierstrassse 50, 8004 Zürich, Tel 043 333 22 50